September 21, 2016

#30: Why Is the US Afraid of Immigrants?

After last weekend’s attack in New York City, the country is once again intensely focused on immigration. Much of this debate stems from fear, but for such an emotional issue, how much can facts really do to change people’s minds? And with Don…

September 14, 2016

#29: Sickness and Sexism

Hillary Clinton faced a storm of criticism about her health this week, but how much of this is due to sexism? And Donald Trump continues to push the limits of what he can say, but are people even noticing?

Julio Ricardo Varela leads a convers…

September 7, 2016

#28: Of Taco Trucks and American Flags

Last week, Donald Trump visited Mexico and an African-American church in Detroit, but was he really addressing people of color, or were these speeches simply dog whistles designed to show white voters that he that he connects with communities …

August 24, 2016

#27: It’s All in the Clips

We’re off next week, so we decided to look back at some of our favorite In The Thick moments over the last few months. Maria Hinojosa and Julio Ricardo Varela break down their favorite clips, and–now with hindsight–they also discuss how thes…

August 17, 2016

#26: Puerto Rico, You Lovely Island

This week, tennis player Monica Puig won Puerto Rico’s first ever gold medal—which has led many to wonder, why does Puerto Rico have its own Olympians, if it’s part of the US?

In short: it’s complicated. 

Maria Hinojosa leads a discussion ab…

August 10, 2016

#25: It’s Not Racist to Report on Race

Building a wall to stop immigration. Police killing black men. A politician banning Muslims. As America erupts over race and ethnicity, many reporters of color feel it’s their obligation to lead the conversation dividing the country. Maria Hin…

August 3, 2016

#24: What Is a “Good” Person of Color?

While Democrats are patting themselves on the back after Khizr Khan’s speech, does their embrace actually go deeper than the surface? Is the Democratic Party actually doing as good a job with communities of color as prominent Democrats claim? …

July 28, 2016

BONUS: Let’s Play Two at the DNC

We recorded so much great material in our week at the DNC that we decided to make a bonus DNC episode. Maria Hinojosa talks with four prominent politicians, advisors, and activists of color: Bill Richardson, former US Energy Secretary and New …

July 27, 2016

#23: Live from the 2-1-5: On The Road at the DNC

Weeks ago, no one could have predicted such intrigue at the Democratic National Convention. But beyond Wikileaks and the strident support for Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton faces a skeptical public whose enthusiasm for her is in question. Mar…

July 20, 2016

#22: Hello Cleveland: On the Road at the RNC

This week, In The Thick is in Cleveland covering the 2016 Republican National Convention. How do prominent conservative Latinos feel about Trump as their nominee? What can Trump do to gain their full support? And what does the future hold for …

July 13, 2016

#21: Law and Order: IS It Black and White?

With the recent tragedies in Baton Rogue, Falcon Heights, and Dallas, the topic of race and policing has dominated the national dialogue. Are we asking too much of police? Can we move forward to create more trust between police and communities…

July 6, 2016

#20: The Clash of Immigration and Affirmative Action


With a nod to punk rockers The Clash, the question of ‘who should stay and who should go’ was at the heart of two decisions at the end of the U.S. Supreme Court session. Who should stay in the America and who should go to college were behin…

June 29, 2016

#19: Police and Communities of Color


Politicians often talk about race when it serves their agendas. Recently the racial spotlight has been on police departments, especially in Baltimore and Oakland, where events have damaged trust in both forces. Maria Hinojosa leads a discus…

June 22, 2016

#18: “So, You Call Yourself an American?”

This election renews the question of what it means to be an American. How should we define fundamental American values in light of the Orlando murders, the debate over gun rights, and politicians stoking our worst fears? Maria Hinojosa leads a…

June 15, 2016

#17: Orlando: From Personal to Politics

Many were Latinos, Latinas, and members of the LGBTQ community. But in the initial days after the Orlando terror attack, more attention was given to the potential tie to ISIS than to the victims’ intersectional identities. Maria Hinojosa leads…

June 8, 2016

#16: Crossing the Line

This week Hillary Clinton crosses a finish line that not all Democrats feel she’s reached, while Donald Trump crosses a different line that is challenging Republican support. Maria Hinojosa leads a discussion with Jason Johnson, Politics Edito…

June 1, 2016

#15: Latino Conservatives

Latino support for Republicans Presidential candidates has been steadily falling, slipping from 40% support in 2004 to 27% in 2012. But could conservative Latinos stop this decline and help Donald Trump win? Maria Hinojosa leads a discussion w…

May 25, 2016

#14: The Forgotten Asian-American Vote

In 1992, George Bush won the Asian-American vote by 24%, but in 2008, Barack Obama won it by 47%. With the potential to help both parties, why are these voters largely being ignored this election year? Julio Ricardo Varela, Political Editor wi…

May 18, 2016

#13: The Democrats’ Big, Hot Mess

Bernie Sanders’s surprising string of success raises questions of Hillary Clinton’s vulnerability now and in November. Listen in as Julio Ricardo Varela, Political Editor with the Futuro Media Group, leads a discussion with Daniella Gibbs Lége…

May 11, 2016

#12: The Key to a Coalition

The passion behind each Presidential campaign ranges from the revolution of Bernie Sanders to the populism of Donald Trump to the prospect of the first woman President in Hillary Clinton. But is there a way for one campaign to break through? M…

May 4, 2016

#11: Trump: The New GOP Norm?

A funny thing happened on the road to the nomination for President: Donald Trump became the new brand of the Republican Party. Maria Hinojosa leads a discussion with independent journalist Wajahat Ali, Amanda Terkel, Senior Political Reporter …

April 27, 2016

#10: Passion vs. Pragmatism

Personality has always played a role in politics, but this year the frontrunners have two distinct character traits. Donald Trump has connected with voters through his passion while Hillary Clinton has succeeded through her pragmatism. Maria H…

April 20, 2016

#9: Escape from New York

The New York presidential primary resulted in lopsided victories for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. But questions remain over disenfranchised voters and rules that prevented millions from casting a ballot. Join Julio Ricardo Varela, Politic…

April 15, 2016

BONUS: New York Debate Recap

Surprise! We’ve got a special post-debate mini-episode for you. We sent our producer Noam Hassenfeld to the Democratic debate at the Brooklyn Navy Yards, and he’s here to tell us about his experience. Noam and guest host Julio Ricardo Varela r…

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