September 25, 2020

In The Thick On TIME’s ‘The Best Politics Podcasts to Help You Make Sense of the 2020 Election’

Ever wondered how to manage the never-ending chaos around the 2020 election? We feel you. We are making the best efforts to cover this weird and stressful cycle, with facts and even laughs!

This is why we are happy to see mainstream media acknowledge us and our work! We are included in TIME’s “The Best Politics Podcasts to Help You Make Sense of the 2020 Election.” So what exactly did TIME have to say about us?

According to TIME, In The Thick is perfect for you if you want to examine politics through the lens of race and identity.

Yes! We’re that!

“Along with a rotating weekly panel made up of journalists, academics and political insiders, they tackle issues concerning race that other outlets often overlook or de-emphasize. That frank conversation is needed now more than ever with conflicting narratives from the two presidential candidates about what the Black Lives Matter movement means for the election and future of the nation.”

The grind pays off!

Take a look at TIME’s full list here.